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7 Ways to Unleash Your Inner Superhero (and Get Insanely Healthy)

7 Ways to Unleash Your Inner Superhero (and Get Insanely Healthy)

“I think you just have to appreciate who you are and hopefully they can see what a superhero is about.” – Lucy Liu

We all want to be healthy, not just because we want to look good in the mirror – it’s because we want to feel good too. When we hit our golden years, we want to still be taking on roles in our own “personal action movie”, not rolling along in a scooter while other people stand in for the life we wish we had.

So let’s take a look at 7 great ways to unleash your own inner superhero and get insanely healthy at the same time:

1.    Eat right

Using food as fuel and getting enough water makes everything easier. You’ll move better, feel better, and have more energy – the essentials of good health.

A diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats will keep you in fighting form, creating a lean and mean look that can power you through the toughest of days, while giving you the strength to take on any of life’s challenges. While some like to dive all-in, the best approach might be to start small and build a healthy habit. Try to not drink caloric beverages for a week. Drink only water, green tea, and black coffee. Once you’ve got the hang of that then think about moving on to your next healthy habit – like 30 minutes of exercise daily.

2.    Get moving

Those who wake up in the morning feeling sluggish and grab a cup of coffee and a donut might have the energy to get to work, but once at their desk, it drops. By afternoon, it’s time for a nap. The only trouble is that for most of us nap-time ended in kindergarten.

Trade the donut for a two mile run, a brisk walk around the block with the dog, or a morning swim and you’ll be fired up for the rest of the day. You’ll be inspired to make the right food choices and to continue that good feeling all day long. Set your phone to buzz you every 50 minutes. When that occurs, knock out 10 push-ups and walk the stairs at the office.

3.  Take charge of stress

Too much stress opens the door for heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. Take it down a notch with relaxing activities that soothe the soul, like a walk, yoga, or a few minutes of meditation.

4.   Get enough sleep

Experts recommended eight hours for a reason. Those who don’t get enough sleep are inclined to eat more and gain weight, perpetuating the cycle of low energy and a sluggish, slow spirit.

Be sure to hit the hay at a reasonable time, even on weekends. Do you really need to watch movies until 2 AM? Why not turn in early and get up at 8 AM and start drinking something that’ll help you get going: good ol’ H2O.

Let your mind refuel and you can power through every day with super-human strength.

5.  Find your joy

Many people worldwide suffer from depression, in degrees ranging from a general feeling of sadness to debilitating depression that prevents them from getting out of bed.

Good food and exercise are great ways to combat mild forms of depression. But also try finding things that bring a sense of joy. Whether it’s music, a favorite activity like painting or communing with nature, these are essential to be truly joyous in spirit.

Surround yourself with love and erase negativity from your space. That includes negative people (keep contact with Debbie Downer or Bad News Brad limited) and negative space (get the clutter out and give your rooms a fresh new look).

Also, laughing really is good medicine, its benefits include relieving stress, easing pain, boosting the immune system, and releasing mood-boosting endorphins. That’s why Bob Newhart and Don Rickles were still telling jokes, decades after they started in the comedy business.

If you are still having trouble, think of it like this:

What are you good at?

What do you know?

What are you passionate about?

Fill your life and others with those three things and you’ll be a pretty happy camper.

6.   Learn something new every day

Take advantage of the mind-body connection and challenge yourself to use both on your way to better health.

Read the latest bestseller (either fiction or non-fiction). Visit a museum to see what kinds of art you might like. Check out a historic site to learn more about your surroundings.

By feeling more invested in your world, you’ll be more inspired to play a bigger role in it yourself.

7.   See the end game – and commit to the right plays now

If you want to get healthy, keep in mind the reasons why it matters.

Do you want to look great and feel great so you can land the partner of your dreams? Do you want to be able to keep up with your kids now… and grandkids later? Do you want to spend your retirement traveling the world, and need the energy?

All these things are so much harder without a healthy lifestyle. So, by focusing on future needs, it will be harder to neglect them now.

© Justin Miller . All Rights Reserved.

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