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Family time is important to me and my Life Partner.

Managing finances effectively is important to us.

Finding time to focus on personal financial life goals is difficult.

Supervision and coordination of all professional advice needs would be helpful.

Lack of transparency and trust of advisers worries us.

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Your score suggests you may not be ready now to consider the need for help with your personal affairs.

Should your circumstances change, please contact us for a free and confidential consultation.

There are key areas of your life you cannot delegate, such as all aspects of Physical, Health, Relationships and Career.

Every month, we release an e-newsletter that focuses on these four important areas of life.

This informative publication may be of interest to you and your family.

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Balance, Stress & Success

Balance, Stress & Success

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” – Stephen Covey

There are several areas where we need to balance our lives.

They are:

  • Family
  • Work
  • Financial
  • Friends
  • Social
  • Spiritual
  • Self-development
  • Physical
  • Personal interests
  • Business or career interests
  • and fun.

At any given time you can be way out of balance. For example, if you have just started a new business or career. You have just had your first child or you are in a new relationship.

During these times you will most likely devote more time and energy to these activities while ignoring some of the oth­ers. The problem is if we stay way out of balance in one area for a long period of time. For example, working 7 days a week for 25 years at the expense of your health, friends and family.

What are some of the reasons why people get out of balance?

  1. A lack of clear long-term goals.
  2. The inability to say no.
  3. Trying to please everyone.
  4. A lack of concentration and focus.
  5. Emotional immaturity.
  6. Insecurity.
  7. Unrealistic goals.
  8. A lack of self-respect.
  9. A lack of planning.
  10. A lack of respect for others.
  11. Poor organization skills.
  12. Over ambition.
  13. Poor time management.

What are some steps we can take if we are out of balance?

  1. Spend time deciding what is really important in your life, both short and long term.
  2. Share your goals, dreams, needs and frustrations about being out of balance with the people in your life that matter.
  3. Learn to set better priorities.
  4. Say no more often.
  5. Determine where you are out of balance and ask yourself, why.
  6. Spend time better planning your days, weeks, months, and years.
  7. Get up an hour earlier or go to bed an hour later.
  8. Accept the fact that there are times in your life when you will be temporarily out of balance.
  9. Simplify your life.
  10. Simplify your life. (not a typo… intended repetition) 

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