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Family time is important to me and my Life Partner.

Managing finances effectively is important to us.

Finding time to focus on personal financial life goals is difficult.

Supervision and coordination of all professional advice needs would be helpful.

Lack of transparency and trust of advisers worries us.

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Your score suggests you may not be ready now to consider the need for help with your personal affairs.

Should your circumstances change, please contact us for a free and confidential consultation.

There are key areas of your life you cannot delegate, such as all aspects of Physical, Health, Relationships and Career.

Every month, we release an e-newsletter that focuses on these four important areas of life.

This informative publication may be of interest to you and your family.

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Home Sweet Home Office

Home Sweet Home Office

10 Tips for working more effectively from your home:

1.  Invest in quality and functional furniture. If you are tyring to run a business on a piece of wood propped up with cinder blocks, chances are you aren’t working as effectively as you could. Do some research and purchase furniture that meets your business and ergonomic needs. Consider looking into some discount or used furniture stores for ideas if you are working with a budget.

2.  Establish multiple workstations or zones. Create an area that you can do computer work, another area for letter writing and other physical paper manipulation, and finally a station for filing and housing archival information and paperwork.

3.  Make sure your business hardware is clean, accessible and functioning properly. If is it extremely difficult to access your fax machine, chances are you will never use it. Keeping all your hardware clean and out in the open will help you move about your office and perform tasks quickly and efficiently.

4.  Keep cleaning products such as a duster and multi-surface cleaner in the room. If something needs to be cleaned, you don’t have to leave the room and risk getting distracted to clean up.

5.  Keep snacks and drinks on hand. If possible, utilize a mini fridge in your office. Getting thirsty or hungry during the day will lead you to leave your office for food or drink. Again, you run the risk of getting distracted and not returning to work quickly. Also you’ll do your best work when your body is nourished!

6.  If you are running your household finances from the same office, file all paperwork in a separate filing cabinet or a separate drawer. Color code files to make the separation clear to everyone.

7.  Set working hours. Create a schedule for yourself just like you would if you had a job you had to leave the house to go to. Make sure your family and customers know what business hours you keep.

8.  If you haven’t already, consider using a P.O. Box to receive your business mail. This will keep it separate from your personal bills, correspondence, and periodicals – saving you time sorting.

9.  Keep office supplies on hand. You don’t need a supply closet full like  you would if you were in an office of 100 people. Running out of printer paper, and having to stop your day to go buy more, creates a distraction. If you don’t already, keep a list of your office supply inventory and make a single trip to replenish many items.

10.  Define your business space. Make sure the whole family knows that that is your job and they need to respect your space. Have an inbox for any items that family members want to give you for your attention during the workday. Most importantly, set the right example by respecting your time and work space.

© Bonnie Joy Dewkett. All Rights Reserved.

Otherwise, feel free to contact us via email or call us on (03) 8662 8455.