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“I think goals should never be easy, they should force you to work, even if they are uncomfortable at the time.” – Michael Phelps

One of the most crucial components of physical fitness is sustainability. Finding activities that are able to be long-term forms of exercise (and enjoyment!) make it easier to adapt fitness to your current schedule, goals, and overall needs. It’s also important to maintain some variety in your fitness routine – different workout styles can help you change it up and boost your momentum.

Swimming is a full-body, low-impact exercise, which is excellent for all body shapes and sizes. There are numerous benefits of swimming, including reducing stress, improving strength, and supporting heart health.

Low-Impact and Low-Risk

Because swimming is a low-impact exercise, it is suitable for anyone with arthritis, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, or joint conditions. In addition, the soft resistance water makes it a safe workout.

A 2016 study found that swimming regularly helped people with osteoarthritis. Participants swam 45 minutes a day, three times a week for three months. As a result, they saw an improvement in physical limitations and muscle strength. They even experienced a significant reduction in joint pain and stiffness.


Swimming is an excellent exercise for any body type, fitness level, and many medical conditions. If you have a disability or injury, swimming can help ease the pain you’re experiencing while providing a good workout.

Going for a swim is safe during pregnancy because you have a reduced risk of injuries. In addition, you can swim or do aqua exercises.

“Other cardio exercises that are high impact, such as running, actually can add up to four to five times your bodyweight on your hips and knees, when swimming elevates those issues,” adds Dan Jonhenry, certified personal trainer and fitness coach at Retro Fitness.

Provides Full-Body Workout

“Swimming uses about every muscle group in your body. Your arms, shoulders, and chest muscles are used to pull you through the water, as is your core. Your glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves are all activated when you kick,” says Jennifer Conroyd, certified ACE trainer and founder of Fluid Running, a deep water running fitness company.

Swimming includes both cardio exercise and strength training. “Swimming is a great total body workout that tones muscle while building strength and endurance,” explains Chris DeJong, five-time national champion swimmer and founder of Big Blue Swim School.

When swimming, the water offers resistance for your body, improving physical strength and muscle tone. It also improves cardio endurance and flexibility.

Supports Heart Health

Like other forms of cardio exercise, swimming supports heart health. A 2012 study focused on 43 people, average age of 60, with prehypertension or stage one hypertension. After swimming for 12 weeks, their average systolic blood pressure plunged substantially. They also experienced improved cardiovascular health.

Moderate-intensity swimming exercise for eight weeks has proved to have numerous health benefits. It lowered systolic blood pressure, helped vascular stiffness, and improved blood flow to the brain.

May Promote Weight Loss

If your health goals include losing weight, swimming may help due to the activity’s ability to burn calories. For example, a 185-pound person swimming laps for 30 minutes can burn 420 calories. That provides a significant calorie deficit for the day.

Relieves Stress

One study researched the effects of swimming on depression and stress. Researchers gave 101 people questionnaires before and after swimming. Forty-four of those people felt stressed and were mildly depressed before swimming. After swimming, that number dropped to just eight people.

It’s never too late to learn how to swim. Lessons are often available at local gyms and pools – this option helps you learn how to swim in a safe space from an expert.

“To keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise we shall not be able to keep the mind strong and clear.” – Buddha

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