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How to Stay Motivated – Stay Focused & Positive

How to Stay Motivated – Stay Focused & Positive

“It always seems impossible until it is done.” – Nelson Mandela

If you want to know how to stay motivated for longer periods, this article is just right for you! It is not only helpful to know methods that motivate you, but also to define some tricks that allow you to remain motivated in the long term, thereby allowing you to be positive and focused on your goals and objectives. In the following, you can find tips to remain optimistic. You’ll receive tips on how to stay motivated throughout your life as well as inspiring quotes that can accompany you on your journey. I call them the “stay positive quotes.”

“Keep your face to the sun, and you will never see the shadows.” - Helen Keller

“Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.” - Zig Ziglar

“Winners make a habit of manufacturing their own positive expectations in advance of the event.” - Brian Tracy

“Happiness is a habit, cultivate it.” - Elbert Hubbard

How to stay positive for a fairly long term?

Tip to stay positive #1: Focus on this moment

Don’t let yourself get in a bad mood by shocking news about murder, terror and similar chaos that is being spread by the media. This will not only demotivate you, but it can also cause depressive feelings. Stay positive by limiting your exposure to news and focusing on your exciting goals. This moment is the most precious thing you have. You cannot change the past, but you can always change your future by making the most out of this moment. Don’t allow this chance to pass by – focus on this moment, make the best out of it, instead of trying to distract yourself with TV, video games, etc.

Tip to stay positive #2: Set yourself exciting goals

Without a tangible goal, life can become unfocused and pointless. Without aims and dreams, you have nothing exciting to do, no task that motivates you. Change that by thinking about some goals that excite you - objectives that inspire you so much that you begin to see the impact you can make to benefit other people’s lives.

Tip to stay positive #3: Forget about the past

Look forward, not backward. You cannot change the past. Dwelling on negative experiences is harmful to your happiness. Be aware that your mistakes (and others’) give you helpful experiences, so that you can avoid similar events. Accept the past as unchangeable, so that you can stay positive. Start to create new opportunities that allow you to change your current situation and focus on the future, not on the past.

Tip to stay positive #4: The impact of positive people

I’m sure you might have noticed the influence of a person with a positive attitude on your life. Not only will it help you to stay in a good mood, but being surrounded by optimistic people will also help you to become optimistic and happy. Try to find ways that enable you to connect with motivated and positive people. People who forge ahead and approach each day with excitement, optimism, and motivation will fuel you. Such a connection to a motivated person will inspire you and lift up your mood.

Tip to stay positive #5: Energizing and enjoyable activities

Another tip to stay positive is to include AT LEAST one enjoyable and fun activity into your daily lifestyle. I am sure you have a certain hobby or spare time activity that fills your soul and lets you recharge your batteries to pursue your visions and dreams with enthusiasm and fun. It would be even better if you could include such an activity in your daily routine before you start working. Let’s say you listen to your favorite music while you go to work. This will not only lift your mood to a higher level but also motivate and energize you to forge ahead. Regular exercising could motivate and energize you as well as keep you positive. Furthermore, scientists have proven that regular exercise allows you to reduce and more effectively endure stress.

Tip to stay positive #6: A new perspective

Change your mindset, perspective, and point of view if you suffered from pessimistic thoughts in the past. The power of positive thinking can have a huge influence on your life if you are willing to view your life from a different (more positive) perspective. You can find it extraordinarily exciting to embrace a new positive mindset. Negative thoughts and feelings can demotivate you.

In the following, you will find tips to stay focused throughout your life.

How to sustain motivation and focus in the longer term?

Tips to stay focused #1: Set daily and weekly priorities

If you want to stay focused on your goals it is necessary to set priorities among your daily todo-list from “Very Urgent & Important” to “Not Urgent & Not Important”. This allows you to 1) save time and to 2) keep being focused on the tasks that are critical throughout your day. Use this simple, yet effective, system to keep your focus on your goals.

Tips to stay focused #2: Motivational patterns

The motivational sources that have helped others to keep motivated have the high potential to work for you also. Try to find a mentor or role model who is living the lifestyle you desire to create. Successful people have established patterns that might work for you. You don’t even necessarily need a mentor to find positive role models since you can also find them in books and movies.

Tips to stay focused #3: Organizing

The organizing of tasks allows you to reach a maximum of efficiency in your daily life. An orderly system will save you the frustration of losing items or overlooking critical tasks.

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