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The key to more of the life you desire

The key to more of the life you desire

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” – Maya Angelou

As you read this article and as you ex­tract the very important information from it that deals with you alone, you will discover:

  • How to make of your life anything you want it to be…
  • How to free your days of the deadly monsters of boredom and monotony and how to fill your days with things of interest to you: pleasure, health, and love…
  • How to banish irrational fears and to make happiness a habit for you…
  • How to use every hour of the day to add years and years to your life…
  • How to claim or re-claim control of your mind power… 

Hardly a person of adult age has not said to himself or herself something like: If only I could change myself, I could do better! It is not only older per­sons who look back over their lives and sigh with disgust when they see the wasted years. Many young people also look back and realize they, too, are not using their full capabilities, and they think: If only I could change myself!

Well the good news is you can change yourself - if you really want to, and if you are ready and willing to focus your attention on mastering your mind power! You are the owner of this power and when you become more aware as to how to consciously use it, you can open the way to a road that will carry you to the happiness, health, wealth, and long life that you want.

Your creator placed this power into your hands through your mind at your birth and fixed the Universal Laws around you in such a way that you cannot help using this power. What is missing in your life is not the power but your conscious awareness and conscious use of this power to obtain more of what you desire from life. Your mind controls all of the physical matter of your body, and you have the capacity to have complete control over your mind. The implications are awesome!

You can learn the secret of living more prosperously so that you can attain the fullest enjoyment of the remain­der of your days on this earth. Natural laws are yours to use, and their natu­ral products are yours to create. The power of miracles lies within you. Yet, despite the fact that you have stu­pendous power of mind within you, you are probably not presently, con­sciously utilizing it. You have the mind power within you to be, to do and to have anything you desire.

This is no abracadabra. There is no mumbo jumbo. It is proven knowledge that humankind has had available for generations, but more often than not, has failed to consciously use. You are the most miraculous of all living beings on earth. You are the owner of mind power that is so stupendous, that when you truly begin mastering your mind power and consciously using it, there is no dream that you can dream that you can not achieve.

Author Resource:- Harold L Lowe retired at age 62 when his six-figure in­come position was eliminated. He now wishes to share some of what he has learned since then and some of his experiences as well through articles. He is now studying The New Think And Grow Rich with the author, Ted Ciuba, a founding member of the World Internet Summit. To Claim A FREE Copy Of The Book That Inspired The Movie/DVD/Book, The Secret, Go To:  Article From Article Health And Fitness.

© Harold Lowe. All Rights Reserved.

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