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The Positive Effects of Happiness On Your Mind

The Positive Effects of Happiness On Your Mind

“Happiness is a state of mind. It’s just according to the way you look at things.” – Walt Disney

Happiness is a subjective thing and will mean something different to everyone. The dictionary definition of happiness is “the state of being happy” which doesn’t really tell us anything. What we do know is that there are positive effects of happiness on our mind and body.

You may not experience all of these feelings at once, in fact you may not feel some of them at all. But when you are feeling happy it is likely that you will experience some of these positive thoughts.

What are the positive effects of happiness on the mind?

You feel fulfilled

Quite often the easiest way for us to feel happy is when we have everything we need. This doesn’t mean that you have absolutely everything in the world that you desire, but what you need most right at the moment you have. This could mean that you are hungry but have a delicious meal in front of you, or, you are exhausted and have a warm bed to climb into. That feeling of meeting your need will make you feel fulfilled, which will lead to a feeling of happiness.

You feel satisfied

Happiness brings a feeling of satisfaction. Because you are feeling happy you are able to view your life positively and be grateful for what you have. That feeling of gratitude and satisfaction stops youfrom thinking about any negatives in your life and instead it enables you to find even more positive things. Our thoughts attract more of the same thoughts, so feeling satisfied brings us more feelings of satisfaction.

You feel content

The feelings of fulfillment and satisfaction lead to a feeling of contentment. This is another of the positive effects of happiness on your mind. A happy person tends to feel really content about their life. Feeling content means that they are less likely to feel stressed, even though they may have stressful times to deal with. They are able to cope with a stressful situation better because their mind is settled and able to think more clearly. Being happy doesn’t mean you no longer have stress in your life, but happy people are better at feeling content even when things aren’t perfect.

You feel peaceful

Happy people generally feel peaceful because they know that they have everything they need and that they can handle anything bad. They tend to trust that everything will turn out okay and are good at turning any negatives into positives.

Does happiness feel the same for everyone?

Happiness is a very personal feeling. We all have different triggers that make us feel happy or sad. Our life and circumstances can play a huge role in how we feel and how much happiness can have a positive effect on our mind.

Your definition

Your definition of happiness may be very different to the person sitting next to you. What you want in life and whether you get that is what will make you feel happy or not. For some that may be the perfect house, or finding their soulmate or for others it may be as simple as having food on the table. It’s totally up to you and how you define what happiness means to you.

It’s a journey

You’ve heard the saying “it’s the journey, not the destination, that matters” and when it comes to happiness it couldn’t be more true. Because you will never reach the end of that journey. While something may happen to bring you happiness for a while, you will eventually start to think of something new that you want or need and so your happiness journey continues. If you don’t find happiness in each new thing that comes your way but choose to focus on what you don’t have, you will never experience happiness.

It's how you act

The positive effects of happiness on your mind shine through everything you do. When you are feeling happy you act happy. You are more likely to eat healthily, move your body and think more positively. All of these actions will come full circle and make you feel happy for doing them!

Final thoughts on the positive effects of happiness on the mind

The positive effects of happiness on the mind are so much more than simply thinking positive thoughts. It’s about knowing that your needs are met, even if you don’t have everything, and feeling satisfied with what you do have. Happiness is about working towards what you want, while being grateful for what you already have, and not comparing yourself to others in a negative light. Truly feeling happy is looking at your life and feeling content.

In order to feel fulfilled and content you need to know what it is that you want in life. Without knowing what it is you want you will never be able to achieve that feeling. Spend some time thinking carefully about what your goals are and write them down, so you know what it is that you need in order to feel happy.

It may be that you want a new career, so you need to apply for jobs in your chosen field. Or maybe you would like to own a designer handbag, in which case you need to work out how you can afford to purchase one. So you might set yourself a budget that allows you to save money to put towards your dream bag.

Once you know what you are working towards, those feelings of fulfillment and commitment will come flooding through when you reach that goal.

It takes time to teach yourself how to feel happy, so don’t expect to be overwhelmed with these feelings straight away. Instead start slowly by thinking about what you have and being grateful for it and then work towards what you want next.

Everyone is entitled to feel happy and experience the positive effects of happiness, so what are you waiting for? Start looking for your happy moments today!

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