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“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” – Willie Nelson

You have probably heard the following words many times, “You should have a positive attitude…”.

Have you wondered what is the meaning of these words? Have you wondered why positive attitude matters?

Here are a few explanations and definitions about the meaning of positive attitude.

When do people tell you that you need to dump your negative attitude and adopt a positive one?

They tell you that when you are negative, expect failure, and doubt your abilities. They try to encourage you to be positive, and want you to have more confidence and belief in yourself.

A positive attitude is essential to happiness, joy, and progress in life. This state of mind brings light, hope, and enthusiasm into the life to those who possess it.

Adopting this mindset in your life does not mean that everything will always move smoothly and there will be no bumps on the road.

However, it ensures that any setback you might encounter will not stop you or change your state of mind, and that you will go on, try again, and do your best despite any setback.

What Does a Positive Attitude Mean?

Here are a few definitions:

  1. Positive attitude is a state of mind that envisions and expects favorable results.
  2. The willingness to try doing new things.
  3. The belief that everything would turn all right.
  4. It is an attitude that helps you see the good in people.
  5. It is a mental attitude that sees the good and the accomplishments in your life, rather than the negative and the failures.
  6. A positive attitude is a mindset that helps you see and recognize opportunities.
  7. Positive attitude means positive thinking.
  8. It is optimism and maintaining a positive mindset.
  9. It is a mental attitude that focuses on the bright side of life.
  10. It is a mindset that uses the words, “I can”, and “it is possible”.

Character Traits of People with a Positive Attitude

  1. A positive attitude is a mental outlook of optimism and of expecting good things to happen. People who possess this attitude are easier to get along with, are happy, and they spread joy around them.
  2. People with a positive state of mind do not dwell on the problems and difficulties of the past, and do not let them dictate their life. Such people would rather learn from past mistakes and move on.
  3. A positive attitude can affect your life favorably in all areas. People with a positive outlook, view life, challenges, and the situations they go through, with confidence and are sure they can deal with them.
  4. These people would not be stuck in a negative attitude of fear, lack of self-esteem and passivity. People with a positive attitude will not let failure or obstacles stand in their way, and will always try to find ways to overcome them.

Develop the Qualities of People with a Positive Attitude

Start by dumping your negative thoughts. Do you often think about failure, and how bad your life is? You need to stop doing this. These thoughts perpetuate the negative situations.

When negative thoughts dominate your mind, you do not seek solutions and progress. You just see the negative and expect it. This affects your thinking and your actions, and unconsciously, makes you choose bad choices.

You need to refuse to think these thoughts and substitute them with positive thoughts about success and happiness. This might be difficult in the beginning, but with persistence, you will be able to change how you think.

Is positive attitude a part of your life, or do you let a negative attitude win? You can test yourself to find out.

Try to remember what kind of thoughts you had in the past 24 hours and write them down. Make two lists, one to include your negative thoughts, and another list, where you will write down your positive thoughts. Then, compare the two lists. Which one is longer?

Are all these negative thoughts worthwhile? Do you need them? Isn’t it better to get rid of them, and to substitute them with thoughts from your positive thinking list?

Continue doing so for a week, or for two weeks, and you will begin to see how your positive attitude is improving.

“Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up.”

-  Allen Klein

“You are the conductor of your own attitude! Nobody else can compose your thoughts for you.”

-  Lee J. Colan

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