How many times have you watched someone do something and in the back of your mind you thought "I could never do that." or "Wow! I wish I could do that." We have all said things like that in our life. We allow our mind to convince us that we can -not do something we have never tried before. Something may look impossible to your eyes. This sends an automatic response to our brain that what we are seeing is hard to do, or impossible to accomplish. So we never try the impossible.
YOU ARE UNDER MIND CONTROL. We are trained from birth to follow directions. Your parents would tell you to "sit here" so you sit. They told you to "eat your greens, they are good for you." So you ate your greens. To this day you still believe that they are good for you. Not because the facts prove that they are. It's because you were told that they were by someone in authority in your life. When you started school, your teacher would tell you what to do in her class and you did it. You would go home and your Dad would tell you to take the trash out. So you did it. You moved out of the home and you are working in a job where you have a boss, man/woman, telling you what to do, where to stand, how many hours you will work that day, when you can go home and how much money you will make. Let’s face it; your life is controlled by everyone else telling you what to do.
SO WHAT CAN YOU DO TO CHANGE THAT? A lot of people that get into business for themselves have to go through a dramatic change in their life. They have to change their mindset from thinking that what they are seeing someone else do is impossible, to believing that they can control their mind, will, and emotions; that they are in control of their outcome in life. As a mentor and success coach myself, I had to go through this process. I had to come to the place in my mind where I believed that I could do anything I put my mind to. If I was watching someone do something that I though was impossible, I would tell myself that if that person can do it, I can too.
It's about believing in yourself and having the will power to step out in faith to do the impossible. I have learned in life that people have a tendency to put down or talk badly about something that they themselves have never tried. Why? The answer is very simple. They have heard other people who they consider an authority in their life tell them that it won't work, or it doesn't work, or they knew someone who tried it and it didn't work for them. They consider this all they need to know about the subject and never consider the reason(s) why it did not work for someone else.
YOU NEED THOUGHTS OF ENCOURAGEMENT TO SUCCEED. One way to change your thoughts from following everyone else to becoming a leader is to have thoughts of encouragement every single day. Reprogramming your brain is not an easy task when you have put negative words and thoughts in your life or allowed others to tell you that you can not do something. You should guard what you allow yourself to hear. One great way to do that is to stay away from people who bring you down. I had to lose a few friends in order to become successful. It’s a tough fact, but I started to realize that some of the people I was keeping as my friends were very negative people. Then I looked at where they were in their lives. I quickly realized that was the reason they had nothing worthwhile in their lives. I was determined to become successful as a marketing consultant. So against all odds, I went for it. I begin to tell myself that if I wanted it badly enough that I would find out what it would take for me to make it in this business. I didn’t listen to anyone who put me, or what I was trying to learn down. Today I no longer have to listen to people putting me down. I teach others how to do what I did and encourage them to fulfill their dreams just as I did. I allowed myself to listen to people in authority over the business I was trying to get into. This way I wouldn’t hear the negativity coming from others. I started believing in what I was doing and took the time needed to learn about the business I was getting myself into.
The point is very clear. If you want something you have never had, you must do something you have never done. Once you make the decision to step out in faith, against all odds, go for it and never look back until you get what you want.
© Jeff Lackey. All Rights Reserved.